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Services (3)
WHAT I'll research the ingredients of 3 hair products & tell you if: Curly Girl Approved, contain protein/how much, concerns/benefits, do these work as a leave-in, can be layered with other products, how often should they be used, level of moisture, etc? For us to tell if they are for your hair type, please let us know your hair stats first! WHY Save time, $, avoid confusion!! PERKS Completed Consultations/Services earn you 400 Loyalty Rewards points. Ask for more info INFO *Customer must provide a text copy (not photo) of 3 products ingredients lists in question and the name of the hair products the ingredients come from. *This service is not based on any scientific evidence and no microscope is used. It is primarily a service which provides the gathering of information that may already be available online, to save you time and hassle, to help you better understand product labels, & what may be in your products at home. This service includes Athena Padilla's knowledge from her product making experiences, understanding of ingredients, and opinions as well. *After paying, you will receive content from Athena Padilla by the time of your scheduled appointment, possibly prior, and possibly in increments. *Please allow 7 business days for consultant to collect data. CANCELATIONS/REFUNDS/TERMS & CONDITIONS/LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER *To cancel or reschedule, just contact us 24 hours before your appointment time. *Consultations given are not eligible for refunds. There is no guarantee of hair improvement. *Consultations provide advice that is the opinion of Athena Padilla. If you choose to follow her suggestions, you will do so without holding Athena liable for any undesired effects that may occur. *Athena Padilla is not a licensed beautician or cosmetologist; she is just sharing her acquired knowledge and being helpful. At no point will Athena touch your hair. She can only provide advice and coach you along your healthy hair journey. *Athena Padilla incorporates her knowledge about hair product ingredients that she learned in making products since January 2017. She has researched what is safe and collected data from clients about how certain techniques and ingredients affect their hair long term. No two people are alike and everyone's hair acts differently. *Any content of a private nature will not be shared publicly unless specific permission is granted by clients.
WHAT Learn to analyze your own hair! This includes instructions & guidance on how to determine your hair's texture, density, porosity, curl type, & elasticity level, as well as learn the Wet Stretch Test in detail. WHY Knowing your hair type will help you in gradually building a hair routine and getting better at choosing the best products for you. Every consultation is different and personalized to your understanding. PERKS Completed Consultations/Services earn you 400 Loyalty Rewards points. Ask for more info. HOW TO BEGIN *Schedule an appointment time. If you don't see a time that is good for you, then just let me know in a note and we can make arrangements. Consultations times may be unavailable during holidays and during the summer. INFO *Please message/email me a photo of your normal hair day. I will then message you to retrieve any other needed info. *If payment is made, I will discuss/provide learning content to you by the end of your scheduled appointment, possibly prior to, and/or in increments depending on consult type. *Any content of a private nature will not be shared publicly unless specific permission is granted by clients. *If you are unsure how much time or type of consult you need, just ask. *Please allow at least 7 business days for consultant to collect data and tips. CANCEL/REFUND POLICY/TERMS & CONDITIONS/LIABILITY *Consultations given are not eligible for refunds. *There is no guarantee of hair or skin improvement. *You may cancel 24 hours prior to appointment time. *Consultations provide advice that is the opinion of Athena Padilla. If you choose to follow her suggestions, you will do so without holding Athena liable for any undesired effects that may occur. *Athena Padilla is not a licensed beautician, cosmetologist, or dermatologist; she is just sharing her acquired knowledge and being helpful. At no point will Athena touch your hair. She can only provide advice and coach you along your healthy hair journey. *Athena Padilla incorporates her knowledge about hair product ingredients that she learned in making products since January 2017. She has researched what is safe and collected data from clients about how certain techniques and ingredients affect their hair long term. No two people are alike and everyone's hair acts differently.
WHAT Tell me your hair/skin problems for help to improve your hair & experience. Get basic tips and answers to basic questions. WHY Get to the cause of what you need. Let me help you finally achieve great results. Every consultation is different and personalized to your need. PERKS Completed Consultations/Services earn you 400 Loyalty Rewards points. Ask for more info. HOW TO BEGIN *Schedule an appointment time. If you don't see a time that is good for you, then just let me know in a note and we can make arrangements. Consultations times may be unavailable during holidays and during the summer. *Please message/email me a photo of your normal look & tell me your biggest hair/skin problem. I will then message you to retrieve any other needed info. INFO *Book here and pay prior to appointment time. *Please message/email me a photo of your normal hair/skin day. I will then message you to retrieve any other needed info. *If payment is made, I will discuss/provide learning content to you by the end of your scheduled appointment, possibly prior to, and/or in increments depending on consult type. *Any content of a private nature will not be shared publicly unless specific permission is granted by clients. *If you are unsure how much time or type of consult you need, just ask. *Please allow at least 7 business days for consultant to collect data and tips. REFUND POLICY/TERMS & CONDITIONS/LIABILITY *Consultations given are not eligible for refunds. *To cancel, contact us within 24-48 hours. *There is no guarantee of hair improvement. *Custom Product Creations are an additional price. *Consultations provide advice that is the opinion of Athena Padilla. If you choose to follow her suggestions, you will do so without holding Athena liable for any undesired effects that may occur. *Athena Padilla is not a licensed beautician or cosmetologist; she is just sharing her acquired knowledge and being helpful. At no point will Athena touch your hair or skin. She can only provide advice & coach you along your healthy hair journey. *Athena Padilla incorporates her knowledge about product ingredients that she learned in making products since January 2017. She has researched what is safe & collected data from clients about how certain techniques and ingredients affect their hair long term. No two people are alike and everyone's hair /skin acts differently.
Blog Posts (9)
- Clarifying vs Detoxing Your Hair
There are so many articles and advertisements about clarifying and detoxing your hair. But, what’s the difference? Why do we even need to worry about that? I figured it’s as good a time as any to get this sorted out along with the why's and how's about clarifying vs. detoxing out hair. It was CRAZY HAIR DAY and now you really need to get off all that product BUILD-UP! DO I EVEN NEED TO CLARIFY OR DETOX MY HAIR? Maybe...probably. First, you need to determine if you have build-up in your hair. But, honestly, if you haven’t done a detox in a while, you probably need to do one pronto! Some products (not mine!) contain ingredients such as silicone, to help reduce frizz and increase shine. However, these products are not water-soluble and do not absorb into your hair. Rather they sit on the hair and depending on your routine, these products may not be removed at each wash and can continue to build up over time. Also, mineral deposits can be build up from hard water. For those of us who co-wash only, can have build up of oils, etc. that need a good clarifying shampoo or detox to cleanse that excess debris away. So, what does that build up look like? If your hair looks dull and doesn’t have that shine anymore or feels dry to the touch, it probably has build up. If your hair is limp and your curls just aren’t holding like they used to, it might be build up (or it might also be a moisture/protein issue...see my blog for more information on the Wet Stretch Test and find out what your hair needs.) Frizzy Dull hair NOW, THE SIMILARITIES In a lot of ways, clarifying and detoxing your hair do the same thing. They both remove excess or unwanted minerals (ie, hard water deposits), oil, and residue buildup. How they differ is largely in the ingredients and how the ingredients interact with your hair. Detox products and techniques often use natural products to remove unwanted material from your hair. Detox products may also include deep conditioners such as shea, moisturizing oils, and bentonite clay. On the other hand, clarifying products and techniques typically use synthetic ingredients that strip the material away. Also, clarifying products are commonly shampoos or similar products that do not add moisture back to the hair and are meant for only occasional use, so there is the risk of it leaving your hair dry if overused. Of course, products can use the terms interchangeably, "muddying up the water" a bit figuratively saying, so hopefully the details below will help you decipher what you need for your hair and what to look for in a product. CLARIFYING INGREDIENTS Clarifying products are typically shampoo-type products. They are designed for the occasional use to strip the hair of excess buildup and are NOT meant for regular use as they are drying. They clarify your hair by using chemical surfactants such as ammonium- or sodium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, alpha-olefin sulfonate, chlorides and bromides, and cetyl-fatty alcohols. Sulfa-containing ingredients in particular are usually a very strong surfactant. Think about a super greasy skillet in your sink. You could use a mild detergent, but will it really get that stubborn grease off that skillet? Probably not. That’s when we whip out that Dawn dish soap to get that skillet clean. However, you’re not going to lather up with Dawn every day in the shower unless you want your skin to feel dry and crack over time. This is the same with clarifying shampoos and other products that contain strong surfactants. They have a purpose, but frequent use can be damaging and drying to your hair. No one wants to have a frizzy, dry mane. For obvious reasons, it is very important to condition your hair after using a clarifying shampoo. Additionally, strong surfactants can strip color out of hair, so if you have color treated hair, please make sure the packaging states that it is color safe!! For those with skin conditions, such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis, you might want to check the label first. It is best to use products with salicylic acid that helps with these conditions. It’s not very helpful to clarify your hair, if it just aggravates an existing skin problem by leaving your scalp too dry and triggering it to produce even more oil. DETOX INGREDIENTS One of the biggest differences between clarifying and detox products, besides the moisture issue discussed above, is that detox products also address removing environmental toxins. Our hair is exposed to anything and everything in the air...and it adds up over time. Some ingredients that are commonly seen in detox products include Decyl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, and Centrimonium Chloride. These products are typically milder surfactants that are fairly gentle to the hair and help to reduce frizz and other “symptoms” of dry hair. They can also help reduce skin irritation that can be caused by other stronger surfactants. Some ingredients, such as Cocamidopropyl Betaine can also be used in cosmetics as an emulsifying agency and thickener as well as in conditioners to help reduce static. Additionally, detoxing products can help retain the color in color-treated better and help it last longer. WHAT DETOX PRODUCT SHOULD I USE? Great question! I highly recommend using NF10Naturals Mix-in Detoxifying Cleanser. The high pH of 9, is great to detox and deep cleanse your hair. When it comes to most detox shampoos, they are only able to be used periodically to clean away the excess stuff in your hair, but NoFrizz10 Natural Detox Cleansers can be used regularly by those who have a normal to oily scalp. The longer that you leave it on your hair, the deeper it will detoxify. For a really deep detox leave on for 1-2 hours. Even just 20 minutes does a great job though. If quickly rinsed away rather, it will not be harmful to use and it still smooths rough frizz and brings shine and bounce back to the hair. So, this is a great curly girl approved sulfate free/salt free shampoo for people who go to the gym often or who are on the oily side. If your scalp is normal to dry and you need a more gentle cleanse, than we also offer a pH 5 version that's available. You get to choose your natural scent provided from essential oils too, How fun is that! HERE'S A FEW VIDEOS I HAVE CREATED ABOUT HOW TO DETOX YOUR HAIR (See more on my Youtube Channel Athena Padilla Trial 1 of NoFrizz10 Detox Shampoo (Also called a cleanser for body & hair.) A Specific Routine On How I Detox My Hair I used only 2 hand fulls of NoFrizz10 pH 9 Mix-in Detoxifying Cleanser on wet hair, then let it set on just under an hour, and rinsed. Get That NoFrizz10 Squeak! Results of using NoFrizz10 Detox Turn the volume up to hear the "squeak" sound as I pinch and slide my fingers down my hair clean hair. This means NO BUILD-UP! And a huge shoutout to #Straightupcurls on Instagram. I have learned so much from her. She is a great hairstylist and has a very unique approach to healing damaged hair. Great customer service too!! She has a great technique for detoxing hair that her followers love. I suggest using my NoFrizz10 pH 9 Detoxifying Cleanser instead of the Moo Goo Clarifying pH 9 that she uses though. With a couple slight variations to her routine you may find that you need to use much less product to detox! That's a huge plus. She suggests to use over a cup of Moo Goo pH 9 Shampoo! Ouch on the wallet! I was able to get a squeak to my hair on a variation of her routine using only a handful of my NoFrizz10 pH 9 Detoxifying Cleanser set on for less than 1 hour! It's possible that if your hair has more build-up that it will take longer. She suggest using Moo-Goo for 8-9 hours. "Ain't nobody got time for that!" LOL. I was so excited that my hair squeaked so quickly using NoFrizz10 Detox, and so I have shared my routine with you below! Comment below to let us know how it works for you. HERE'S MY FULL DETAILED DETOX ROUTINE FOR YOU! This is similar to #Straightupcurls method, except it uses much less product, NoFrizz10 pH9 Mix-in Detoxifying Cleanser, and less time set on. Treatment: 1. Wet hair, apply a couple hand fulls of NoFrizz10 pH 9 Mix-in Detoxifying Cleanser . Rub on and distribute throughout hair. Let set on up to 1 hour. Rinse. 2. Afterwards, use a bond repairing treatment such as k18 khairpep or Olaplex #3.(heals keratins bonds and strengthens with amino acids). Leave on for 15 minutes, don't rinse. 3. After that, put on a protein free deep conditioning mask such as NoFrizz10 SOAK Conditioning Lotion, then leave on overnight. Everything is then rinsed off in the morning. Repeat every 4-8 weeks. *If you color your hair and have a hard time with getting the color to stay then doing the 3 steps treatment as I described above is very helpful the day before coloring. Rinse the morning that you'll be coloring. (Find more NoFrizz10 Naturals product demo videos posted on our public Facebook page... "Soft Springy Defined Natural Curls") or Visit My Website Written by, Shelby Barker (NoFrizz10 Admin & Editor) & Athena Padilla (Owner of NoFrizz10)
- Oils for Hair & Scalp - Moisture Level System By NoFrizz10
Itchy scalp, dry frizzy hair… Oily scalp, greasy limp hair... Who wants to deal with these? There’s so much internet hype about how using oil in our routine helps, but which oil? There are so many different oils! Internet searches provide lots of vague information and they are usually based on people's personal and unique experiences or people with different hair types than what we may have. But how do each of the oils compare? Will an oil make my hair suffer from Hygral Fatigue (damage from over moisturized hair). And which oils are best for making DIY products, for instance? Oil is definitely not a one-size-fits-all, so which should you use? Some are “heavier”, some are “lighter” they say, but which absorb into the hair best and which are best for deep conditioning? After a product left you with greasy hair, you may only be concerned with the serious question of, “How many washes will it take to finally get all this oil out of my hair?” Overwhelmed yet? I know I was. Anyway, I digress. There are so many questions. Let’s simplify this into one question. Which hair oils provide the least to the greatest moisture for our hair? I have never seen oils ranked on how they compare to one another in this way before, have you? I have read that argan oil, almond oil, and grape seed oil are all "lightweight oils". But what is really meant by “lightweight” when it comes to oil and which one is the lightest overall? I define lightweight to mean it provides the least or lightest amount of moisture vs heavyweight to mean it provides the most or heaviest amount of moisture when comparing oils. The term “heavy oil” usually makes us think that it's going to make our hair greasy, not absorb, and just build up on the outside of our hair strand, right? And a “light oil” we expect to moisturize and define our hair without making it limp. Although, realistically, this depends on our hair’s porosity and moisture level needs. Since there wasn’t any lists out there that ranked multiple oils in this way, and that’s what I really needed to know, I took on the challenge to test them myself! How I Tested Them My methods of testing them may have been slightly archaic, but I believe it is revealing nonetheless. With the tests described below, I was able to compare many different oils and create a list, ranking them from extremely lightweight oils to the heaviest weighted oils. First, I tested the viscosity of each oil. Wait. Tested what? Viscosity. Think about how water and molasses flow. Water flows easily, right? It runs or spreads very quickly. It has low viscosity. Molasses however flows, molasses. It has high viscosity. So, to test this in the oils, I took one drop of each oil and placed it on a flat surface to see how much it spread out. Common sense tells us that a thinner lighter-weight oil spreads out farther than a thick, sticky oil (similarly to water vs molasses), and this was exactly what I saw. SHOWN: 1 drop of soybean oil, lighter (left). 1 drop of castor oil, heavier (right). Next, I wanted to see how far the oils travel along a flat surface by smearing them with a Q - tip. It seems logical that a lightweight oil would smear farther than a heavyweight oil. And it did. SHOWN: soybean oil spreads much further (left) where as castor oil barely smeared at all (right). Lastly, the third test, I analyzed the relative specific gravity. Again, with these terms? Think about oil and water. We all know, “they don’t mix” right? Well, not without a proper emulsion. But why not? Simply put, because oil has a lower specific gravity than water, so it floats on top. This got me thinking. Maybe the terms “light” and “heavy” don’t only refer to the moisture level of an oil or to how it feels on our hair, but they refer to the actual weight of an oil, like in fluid ounces on a kitchen scale. So, if we are told that olive oil is considered to be pretty “heavy”, then we could speculate that it would not mix easily with an oil which was thought to be “light”, such as soybean oil. I used this concept to test which oils were heavier or lighter in comparison, by placing a drop of each oil, one at a time, into containers of different oils and watched carefully to see how they reacted. I discovered that when I added drops of olive oil into a container of soybean oil, that the olive oil sank quickly to the bottom of the container. The difference in the specific gravity of each oil prevented the olive oil from easily dispersing into the soybean oil, just like when mixing water into a cup of oil, they don't mix. Each drop of the heaviest oils stayed collected as a little ball at the bottom of the container. Alternatively, when I did this the other way around by adding drops of a lightweight oil such as soybean oil, into olive oil, the soybean oil spread across the surface of the olive oil. It almost dissolved into the other oil and was no longer noticeable to the eye. Similarly, when I took what I suspected to be a medium weight oil, such as argan oil, and added drops of it into a lightweight oil like grapeseed oil, I actually saw a swirling effect from the argan oil. It took a little bit of stirring and shaking these oils together to get them to blend. SHOWN: 3 different oils being dripped into a container of jojoba oil. Grape seed oil - lighter weight than the jojoba oil, disperses onto its surface. (top left of photo) Olive oil - heavier weight than the jojoba oil, sinks, but swirls along the way. (middle of photo) Castor oil - heaviest oil, much heavier than the jojoba oil, sinks in a ball shape. (right of photo) You can test the oils and oil blends that you have at your home too! This way you can be sure to use the lightest oils as needed and the heavier oils in ways that are suitable for your hair type. Also, you may consider that some of your oil blends may need to be occasionally shaken and that certain oils may be more difficult to emulsify than others. Which Oils are Lighter or Heavier Weight? (BUY NoFrizz10 OILS BLENDS HERE) If you make your own DIY products or apply them directly to your hair for deep conditioning, for shine, to scrunch out the crunch, or however you prefer to use an oil in your hair, you need to know which oils are lighter or heavier. You can also buy our NoFrizz10 Oil blends that are premixed to give you the perfect Moisture Level that you're looking for for all your oiling needs. Then you can just mix them into your palm with the product that you're using for the day! So, here are the results of my tests from lightest weight to heaviest: (Read from top to bottom, for the least to the greatest moisture.) *Chart does not includes butters, waxes, or conditioning ingredients and only represents the comparison of individual oils. *Remember that to achieve each level of moisture, combinations of oils may be used, and depending on ratios used, a mixture including oils from different moisture level oils may still reflect appropriate moisture levels. *NoFrizz10 uses oil blends that closely correlate to the moisture levels shown in this chart above. *Substitute hypoallergenic and gentle oils may be used in any NoFrizz10 Products at any time. *SPRITZ© (Light Moisture Level - for fine hair), SPLASH© (Moderate Moisture Level - for dense hair often curly), and SOAK© (High Moisture Level - for course or extra tight curls). Moisture Level System is owned and created by NoFrizz10. Watch this video for an example of a lightweight oil blend. Body oils may be great for hair too. NoFrizz10 Vanilla Bean Essential Oil NoFrizz10 Orange and Mango Oil Blend NoFrizz10 Lavender Oil Blend NoFrizz10 Mint Oil Blend What Does This Mean for Products? For the following reasons, when making hair products, I have had to change some of my typically used oils because I was looking to save money in my business, because they were unavailable, or because I wanted to start making my own oil blends which would allow me to remove harsh chemicals or unnecessary preservatives. I can also tell you through my experience of making natural hair products, that when I replaced oils in my recipes with different oils, I learned something quite surprising. Shockingly, what I found was that my new mixtures of oil blends were actually lighter weight than the previous oil blends that I had been using; even though I was using the same amount of ingredients (in volume), the new blend was lighter on the scale than the previously used, old blends. So, this is incredible! Lighter weight oils really are lighter weight! This revelation meant that I had to account for these differences in my NoFrizz10 recipes, so that I would be using fewer ounces of oil (by weight) even though the measurement (by volume) was the same. When I used my scale to measure from then on, I had to remember to adjust for the new lighter weight amounts. Which I was of course happy to do! My newly created product versions don't have less oil in them, necessarily; but rather, even lighter weight oils! Hooray! Now it is easier for me to be sure that I'm sticking to the NoFrizz10 - 3 Moisture Level System ©. With my products and recipes I am sure to include a lightweight oil blend in my SPRITZ Level 1 Moisture Products. Consistently, NoFrizz10 SPLASH Level 2 Moisture Products include a blend of oils that provide a moderate moisture level, and NoFrizz10 SOAK Level 3 Moisture Products include a blend of oils that provide a high level of moisture. That makes it so easy for you to get the moisture level you need! Ultimately I was able to find a way to make my products lighter weight, as well as a better value, safer, and more gentle. Double win! Which Moisture Level Is For ME? For FINE HAIR, use SPRITZ© Light Moisture Level For DENSE HAIR often curly, use SPLASH© Moderate Moisture Level For COARSE HAIR or extra tight curls, use SOAK© High Moisture Level *This Moisture Level System is owned and created by NoFrizz10. Why Can't I Just Use More or Less of Any 'Ol Oil? Oil is beneficial to your hair, when it's the right oil for your hair type! Too light weight and it leaves our scalp wanting more moisture and our hair dry and frizzy. Too heavy weight and it leaves our scalp oily and our hair greasy and limp. It doesn't work to use a small amount of a heavy oil if you need light moisture. It will still be too heavy! Conversely, if you try to use a lot of a light moisture oil, it will not provide the deep moisture you may need! The right oils for you leave your hair healthy, bouncy, and defined. We are now able to clear out our bathroom cupboards with products that don’t work for us and use what we have in ways that provide more consistently good hair days. Thankfully, we can avoid those deep conditioning experiments gone wrong which took shampooing 3 times to get all the oil completely out of our hair. Been there, done that! How Much Oil Should I Use Then? Choose the oil that is correct for your hair type, (YOUR HAIR OIL) as shown just above in "Which Moisture Level is for Me?", THEN choose use our suggested measurements depending on how much moisture you need: *Divide hair into 2-4 sections for average density.) *You may apply the oil directly to your hair, (wet or dry), or you may mix it into 1 Tablespoon a favorite product in your palm that you'll be using in your routine for the day, such as a conditioner or gel. For Light Moisture with YOUR HAIR OIL use 1 drop per section of hair. For Moderate Moisture with YOUR HAIR OIL use 2-3 drops per section of hair. For High Moisture with YOUR HAIR OIL use 4-5 drops per section of hair. "I love being able to incorporate the perfect hair oil into my routine so that I can avoid the extra time and mess it takes to deep condition.!" Athena Padilla By evaluating more exactly which oils are truly lightweight vs. heavyweight and discovering the more exact variances between the different oils generally used in our hair, not only did I end up gaining from this knowledge, but all of us can now obtain customized products which are safer, more gentle, and we can create personalized hair care recipes for our hair types. Itchy scalp, dry frizzy hair… oily scalp, greasy limp hair... NO MORE! Hair still frizzy? Read my blogs about FRIZZY HAIR! {suggested oil products below based on moisture level needed!} Moisture Level 1 NoFrizz10 Orange and Mango Oil Blend Video is my Routine Using NoFrizz10 SPRITZ Moisture Level Products SHOP Moisture Level 2 NoFrizz10 Lavender Oil Blend Video is my Routine Using NoFrizz10 SPLASH Moisture Level Products SHOP Moisture Level 3 NoFrizz10 Mint Oil Blend Video is my Routine Using NoFrizz10 SOAK Moisture Level Styler (Also called, Perfecting Souffle' Styler or Curl Cream.) SHOP Please visit out Amazon Influencer Store if you are interested making your own oil blends. We have lots to look at from hair tool, to DIY ingredients, to diffusers, and more. Share on social media to help others find us! Tag us, Tag 3 friends, and use our hashtag #NoFrizz10. This really helps us out! THANKS. #OilsRanked #Lightweightoils #Mediumweightoils #heavyweightoils #OilTest #3MoistureLevels #SPRITZ #SPLASH #SOAK Thank you for your support. DONATE HERE. Written By, Athena Padilla, LLC. Edited By, Shelby Barker and Phillip Padilla
- Protein Moisture Balance Test & FRIZZ QUIZ - with Results & Suggested Best Products For Frizzy Hair
Soon after I started the Curly Girl Method, my hair got brittle and dry. This was very abnormal for me, so I delved into the world of finding that perfect Protein Moisture Balance. I believe that I got protein overload from layering leave-in creams with gels in my hair for the first time in my life. I'm sure that doing more frequent deep conditioning also had something to do with it. I of course didn't want to loose the curl enhancement and definition that I was getting, but I did need to branch out and start incorporating protein free products. Finding protein free products was very difficult for sure. So many products on the market are full of junk, allergens, and high amounts of protein, so I decided to create my own natural product line! With the birth of NoFrizz10 Natural Products for Body & Hair, I was sure to include a simple way to control the level of protein and moisture in your hair all while healing and restoring the hair back to a healthy condition. Finally! My break through product line that easily gives you control over protein in your hair routine consists of mainly protein free products, 3 different moisture levels, customized products, and Protein Balancing Drops which allow you to adjust the amount of protein you need per day based on the results of the quiz below! Continue on through our blog as you take THE FRIZZ QUIZ below, to learn more about this delicate balance, what causes your hair to frizz, and how to analyze your hair's protein vs moisture levels at home, including resolutions to the most common curly hair problems and suggested products to help you with your quiz results! If you want to jump straight to checking out NoFrizz10 Protein Point System then click HERE. Or If you want to jump straight to checking out NoFrizz10 Moisture Level System then click HERE. Click image above to watch my video showing my natural frizz with no product in my hair. TAKE THE FRIZZ QUIZ FRIZZ : It's our BIGGEST CONCERN right? Frizz can be caused by damage, which we don't want, so... LET's Rule This OUT!! KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! Choose the letter/s and number combination below that closely related to your personal hair situation to identify your type of frizz then look for the appropriate tips and products for your type of hair. Consider posting a picture of your hair in our page forum and share your results with us. Options: Letters P, O, K, D, and/or N + Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Ask for help if you're not sure. Contact us. LET'S BEGIN! LETTER CHOICES Notice the texture and quality of your hair, then choose one or more of the letter options below and write it down. P. Dry hair that has too much protein? (Overly dry/Webbing may be present.) O. Over moisturized hair that appears to be trying to escape the moisture and needs balance? K. A kinky texture that is much curlier and stiffer then the rest of your hair and needs a deep protein treatment? D. Damage, overly dry, breakage, split ends, old dead ends, razor edged cut, hair cut with thinning scissors, hair that is too short and growing back in, etc? N. Natural Healthy Frizz that could merely use a little styling? NUMBER CHOICES - WET STRETCH TEST CATEGORIES Before choosing a number option, do the Wet Stretch Test on showered wet hair. Wet Stretch Test: In the shower, wet hair with warm to hot water, collect loose strands that shed only. Take one stand and get a good hold of it on both ends, then gently pull to see if it will stretch. Release tension and watch how it reacts after being stretched! Do this test on a few strands to get consistent or averaged reactions through out your head of hair. Look below to choose your number option. 1. Wet hair snaps/breaks right away. 2. Wet hair strands stretch a bit then snaps/breaks. 3. Wet hair strands stretch and spring back like a rubber band. 4. Wet hair strands stay stretched out and lacks curl form. 5. Wet hair strands shrink back into an unnatural curl pattern, "Frazzles". NoFrizz10 Specialized Wet Stretch Test Personal Analysis Chart * Suggested Products listed at the end of this blog, based on Frizz Quiz results. * Best Anti-Frizz Hair Products & Best Products For Frizzy Dry Hair are listed below. DESCRIPTION OF CHART with resolutions to improve hair condition. 1-If it snaps right away as you start to stretch it = too much protein. Clarify, omit protein entirely for at least 2 weeks, then test again. And do a deep conditioning treatment 1-2 times a week. (Needs moisture) 2-If it stretches just a bit then snaps = could still use less protein or is a bit dry. Use protein only once and a while: in small amounts not more than once a week, not every time you wash or style. Continue to moisturize hair regularly. (Needs moisture, use protein sparingly) 3-If strand of hair obviously stretches more then one inch without breaking AND shrinks back like a rubber band = your hair is in balance. Alternate between products with and without protein to maintain balance. Do not use any strong treatments. (Alternate at appropriate rate for your hairs personal needs in order to stay balanced) 4-If stand stretches really far, does NOT shrink back after releasing tension and stays "stretched out" = your hair needs protein. Use protein conditioners and styling and refreshing products regularly for a few days till balanced. (If not improving go to category 5) 5- After stretching hair, if it shrinks back into "frazzles" after stretching and does NOT go back into its normal curl pattern then... (You need a deep protein treatment, follow up with a deep conditioning treatment) I HAD PROTEIN OVERLOAD! MY MOISTURE PROTEIN BALANCE WAS OUT OF WHACK! If you need help learning to analyze your own hair or don't understand your results, please book a personalized consult with Athena Padilla. Watch How To Analyze Your Own Hair on my YouTube Channel. *If protein sensitive, add one ingredient with protein, in small amounts, to see how hair reacts. QUIZ RESULTS - EXAMPLES (Not every quiz possibility is shown below.) Let's say that I just got a bad haircut and all my routine products contain protein. My hair feels a bit straw like. I'd probably be a D1. Let's say my hair is balanced and I just didn't use enough gel. I'd be a N3. Let's say my hair has lots of webbing and feels rough and brittle. P1 I just left oil on my hair overnight, didn't get to rinse it out all the way and my hair is looking a bit limp and almost staticky in a few places. O4 I have been using all protein free products for a month. My hair is starting to get little kinky stands at the roots and when I try to smooth in products to lay down the frizz, it just pops back out and separates away from the curl clumps. I also used CG shampoo a couple of times this month and I went a bit too long between refreshing or co washing so my hair is a bit dryer then usual. Dry AND low on protein. KD5 *Protein is not always the cause of dryness. *Sometimes even though hair is dry, it could still need protein. *In this last case, this person needs high protein and high moisture! How to Treat Uncontrollable Frizz? What were your results? Please share with us in the page forum. (Best products for each category are listed below.) *SEE WHICH NoFrizz10 PRODUCTS & SERVICES ARE BEST FOR YOU Take our Product Selection Quiz! SHOP SUGGESTED PRODUCTS FOR EACH CATEGORY/TEST RESULT BELOW *NoFrizz10 Products that will help you with your test results listed. *Other brands that you can find on our Amazon Affiliate Storefront listed. *Best Anti-Frizz Hair Products *Best Products For Frizzy Dry Hair Selections below, are designed to offer you a full routine that will work well together for each category. Some may be used successfully for more than one category depending on need and duration used. Not all possible products are listed. None of the off-brand collections are a perfect substitute for our NoFrizz10 products, but collections may create a similar result on the hair. *AFFILIATE LINKS MAY BE INCLUDED BELOW... I have now partnered with Amazon! If you will be purchasing anything on amazon please click one of my affiliate links before you start shopping. This is a very easy way for everyone to help out. If you already shop on amazon or want to try something new LOOK BELOW! CATEGORY 1 Too much protein in your hair? Just starting the Curly Girl Method? Hair full of build-up? Clarifying Liquid Soap Protein Free Deep Conditioner Totally Twisted Sculpting Gel or NoFrizz10 Detoxifying pH 9 Cleanser NoFrizz10 Deep Conditioner NoFrizz10 Fenugreek Gel CATEGORY 2 Hair needs moisture and no-low protein. Garnier 1 Minute Mask Curls Botanical Gellie Aussie Instant Freeze Gel or NoFrizz10 Conditioning Cream NoFrizz10 Vanilla Priming Serum NoFrizz10 Level 2 Mousse CATEGORY 3 If you choose to use products with protein, these products will keep your hair's elasticity balanced. Other wise you may alternate between these (contain protein) and the protein free products above. Volumizing Shampoo Maple Holistics Conditioner Biotera alcohol Free Gel Eco Olive Oil Gel or NoFrizz10 Moderate Low-Poo NoFrizz10 Anti-Frizz Styler Liquid NoFrizz10 Plain Priming Serum NoFrizz10 Flaxseed Cream Gel NoFrizz10 Vegan Protein Drops CATEGORY 4 Medium Protein. Your hair likes protein. You need a little protein boost but don't have time for a treatment. Maple Holistics Shampoo Curl & Style Leave-in Milk LA Looks Tri-Active Gel Suave Kids Hairspray or NoFrizz10 pH 5 Cleanser NoFrizz10 Souffle' Curl Cream NoFrizz10 Hard Hold Gellie NoFrizz10 Orange Hairspray NoFrizz10 Vegan Protein Drops CATEGORY 5 Your hair needs High Moisture and High Protein. You may use a combination of products from category 4 and 5. Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo Strength & Restore Conditioner Curl Talk Sculpting Gel Bounce Curl Cream Gel or NoFrizz10 Deep Low-poo NoFrizz10 Herbal Moisture Mist NoFrizz10 Souffle' Curl Cream NoFrizz10 Level 3 Mousse WET FRIZZ Is wet frizz a really big problem and nothing will help your hair? Try this if you know that protein is safe to use on your hair, and likely if you have damaged hair from salon chemical processing. Power Protein Yogurt Conditioning Treatment with ULTRA HIGH MOISTURE & PROTEIN! * All suggested products above have been tried and tested in my curly hair community and are known for being effective and are favorite products on the market for these specific hair concerns. For more curly hair/frizz fighting routines and tips using NoFrizz10 products, watch our videos HERE. If you need help with any curly hair problem then please contact us. book a personalized consult with Athena Padilla. Please share your thoughts and experiences with us in our forum. Thank you for your support. DONATE HERE. Written by Athena Padilla, LLC. #FrizzQuiz #AthenaCanSolveEverything #WhatKindOfFrizzDoYouHave
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- Ways to Save | Discounts Rewards | NF10 Naturals : Care for Body & Hair
Want to get low cost natural hair products & save $? NoFrizz10 has offers, discounts, reward points & ways to win free product! No Frizz, No Fragrance, No Glycerin, No Propylene Glycol, No Sulfate, No Silicone, No Shea Butter, No Protein, No Coconut, No High Costs. Gentle. Great Hair! NF10. SHOP WAYS TO SAVE So many ways to take the "FRIZZ" out of life! (Discounts are subject to change without warning.) (Discounts are not retroactive.) SHOP * Include the NOTE "NF10Helena" for 10% off rebate. * Get FREE SHIPPING When You Order $35+ Retail! CONTACT US for the following discounts: Spend $150 to get 15% OFF using code "NF1015%OFF". Spend $200 to get 20% OFF using code "NF1020%OFF". Spend $300 to get 25% OFF using code "NF1025%OFF". Or include code in a note at check out for rebate. Loyalty/Rewards Program Points for Products Members of our site earn points that turn into product discounts! Join now so you can earn reward points & get saving! JOIN Low Shipping & Free Return ! We offer lower than USPS shipping rates. Our shipping is adjustable based on package size! Get free shipping when you spend $35! And if you are unsatisfied with an order, contact us to discuss a free return. It's Your Birthday Discount Get 15% off when it's your birthday! Include the note "ITSMYBIRTHDAY" for a rebate. No minimum order required. Please use only once a year. Specialized Coaching Perks Book a personal Coaching Session with our Curly Hair Specialist Athena Padilla, to reduce any wasted time and money, so you can jump in with the most effective styling tips! Newsletter Subscriber Discounts Subscriber to our newsletter HERE to get discounts from time to time, announcements, and tips that are found nowhere else! Play our Fun Quiz We have a great Frizz Quiz! It's so fun to learn without wasting money on the wrong products! Read our blog quiz NOW! BULK ORDER DISCOUNTS /WHOLESALE SALONS PRIVATE LABEL WEBSITE DETAILS (PURCHASES will now be made through ETSY or email ONLY, starting 2/1/25 ) (Our Loyalty Points Reward Program is Moving to ETSY, HOORAY ) *Ask us how! For minimum purchase offers, required retail minimum must be reached after any applied discounts and before shipping and tax. Offers may be combined in some cases, although only 1 discount code can be used at one time on the website, so in this case, just contact us and we will process your order manually if eligible. Loyalty/Reward Program Points may be removed if you have not completed requirements, or if you have abused the program. Reward points are saved in our account database and can not be seen on your end. Rewards points for orders can not be increased based on order size/dollar amount, only 100 points will be given per order. Reward points earned for booking a consultation will be removed if you do not pay and keep your appointment time. Canceled consultations are not eligible for reward points. If you need to merge accounts then please contact us. If you have any problem with your rewards or questions contact us. It is left up to our discretion to combine offers or points, to give points, or to remove points. Points will not be cashed in and can only be used on product/retail orders after you have reached a minimum of 1,000 points. Only use rewards each time you earn 1,000 points. Once you reach 1,000 points, you will receive an email with a $10 off coupon code or contact us to proceed. Loyalty Rewards Points began accumulating after June 1st, 2022. Points are not retroactive and are not added prior to this date. Etsy orders will not be awarded with Loyalty Points. If we must close our rewards program then you will be contacted by email in due time. If we feel that you have abused this program, then you may be blocked from earning points. Thank you for your support. #pure #gentlehaircre #crunchy #handcraftedhair #allhairtypes #naturalhairproducts #nofrizz #nofrizz10 #NF10Naturals #bestnaturalhairproducts #curlyhaircoach #curlyhaircoaching #customhaircare #nontoxic #ecofriendly #crueltyfree #notablyfabulous Private Facebook Group Members of our private Facebook Group get 10% off all their orders. Also, members get their first consult for $10 off! M embers can earn Loyalty Points for staying active. Contact me for details. Social Media Sharing FB/INST/YT... Tag me or send me a photo of your social media share to earn 10 reward points that turn into product discounts. Join our Loyalty Program HERE. Contact me for details. Discounted Subscription Box Every months get $45 worth of products for just $35 + tax, and FREE SHIPPING! That's right, save a cool $10 AND wave goodbye to shipping fees! Start Product Subscription Now
- Buy Stylers for Frizz Free Hair | NF10 Naturals
NoFrizz10 Style Products lock down frizz, reactivate with water, seal in moisture, provide hold, use wet or dry, slippery, & curl longevity. Buy Stylers for Frizz Free Hair. NF10 Naturals. SHOP at ETSY NOW! BUY STYLERS FOR FRIZZ FREE HAIR SHOP at ETSY NOW! Optional: Make a Hair Cocktail at home - just mix 3 parts Gel with 1 part Cream of your choice. SHOP ETSY Quick View ORANGE, VANILLA OR HERBAL MOISTURE MIST for Hair & Skin - Light or High Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View NO-CLOG CUSTOM BLOSSOM FOAMING MOUSSE - Moderate Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View ORIGINAL PRIMING GEL - Best Serum for Curly Hair - Light Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View CONDITIONING CREAM - Light Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View FLAXSEED CREAM GEL HAIR STYLER - Moderate Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View CONDITIONING BUTTER - Moderate to High moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View HARD HOLD HAIR GEL: CARBOMER & FLAXSEED GELLIE - No PVP, Non-Flake - SHOP ETSY Quick View HAIR REPAIRING PROTEIN MASK/CURL CREAM/HEAT PROTECTANT +silicone +high moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View VOLUMIZER / ALL-IN-ONE / CUSTOM - Fastest Routine - Best for Your Money $$ SHOP ETSY Quick View SOUFFLE' CREAM STYLER ------ High Moisture - Customize Your Protein SHOP ETSY Quick View VANILLA BEAN PRIMING SERUM Moderate Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View FENUGREEK PRIMING SERUM - Best Serum for Curly Hair - Mod to High Moisture Learn More Learn More Learn More Leran More Cocktail Exampl es Moisture Level Hold Level : Products to Combine LIGHT SOFT : Priming Serum + Conditioning Cream LIGHT MEDIUM : Moisture Mist + Foaming Mousse LIGHT HARD : Carbomer Gel + Foaming Mousse MEDIUM SOFT : Priming Serum + Mod. Moisture Butter MEDIUM MEDIUM : Priming Serum + Flaxseed Cream Gel MEDIUM HARD : Carbomer Gel + Flaxseed Cream Gel Perfecting Souffle' Curl Cream is Custom Only Now, so Consider Using the Following... w/ Protein HIGH HARD : Carbomer Gel + Protein Mask HIGH HARD : Carbomer + Flx Cream + Mod Mois Butter Many combinations are possible. Contact us for a consultation and more cocktailing ideas! It is suggested to combine prepared products that contain preservative to maintain shelf life. You can always mix for the day as much as you'll use or store in a large bottle for convenience. But, If you mix with water, please use right away or store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
- All-in-one's | One Product Hair Routines | NF10 Naturals : Care For Body & Hair
Our All in One Hair Products Do What No Others Can! They Cleanse, Moisturize, AND Style. We Use Gentle Surfactants That Aren’t Over Drying & Provide Curl Control ALL-IN-ONE PRODUCTS SHOP ETSY Quick View VOLUMIZER / ALL-IN-ONE / CUSTOM - Fastest Routine - Best for Your Money $$ SHOP ETSY Quick View NO-CLOG CUSTOM BLOSSOM FOAMING MOUSSE - Moderate Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View ORANGE, VANILLA OR HERBAL MOISTURE MIST for Hair & Skin - Light or High Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View CONDITIONING CREAM - Light Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View CONDITIONING BUTTER - Moderate to High moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View CONDITIONING LOTION ------ High Moisture SHOP ETSY Quick View ANTI-FRIZZ LIQUID STYLER - Light Moisture Learn More Learn More Learn More Learn More Available to SHOP on ETSY only starting 2-1-25
Forum Posts (46)
- Results ♥️In General Discussions·March 20, 2020I purchased the starter kit on 2/14/20, and have been pleased with the results so far! I’ve been aware of my curls since 2002, and have been on this epic journey ever since. Being more mindful of when products touch not only my curls but what I’m putting on my skin and in my body, I’ve been searching for the right products to invest in. I’ve searched for some time now to figure out what I’ve wanted to purchase, and because Athena has such great info on YouTube, I decided to take the plunge! I encourage you to too if you’re in a boat like I am.2255
- Giveaway Apr 30thIn General Discussions·April 25, 2021Want to give a shout-out to Athena for not only making great products and giving great service but also for being one of the most dedicated hard working women I’ve met in a very long time! It’s a pleasure to support you 👏👏👏1110
- Welcome to the Forum!In General Discussions·June 13, 2019It’s good to have you here! Feel free to share anything - stories, ideas, pictures or whatever is on your mind. Here you can start discussions, connect with members, reply to comments, and more. Have something to say? Leave a comment or share a post!1160